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Image File Size Finder

World's Simplest Image Tool

Free online image file size finder. Just drag and drop your image here and it will automatically display its file size in bytes and kilobytes. You can also determine the image format, find out its width and height, the total number of pixels in the image, and the number of pixels per byte. Created by engineers from team Browserling.

Image File Size Finder

World's Simplest Image Tool

Free online image file size finder. Just drag and drop your image here and it will automatically display its file size in bytes and kilobytes. You can also determine the image format, find out its width and height, the total number of pixels in the image, and the number of pixels per byte. Created by engineers from team Browserling.

What Is an Image File Size Finder?

This tool finds the size of any image file. To use the program, simply upload the image to the input and get information about its size on the output. First, the program displays the size of the image measured in bytes and kilobytes. Additionally, the program specifies the file format, its width and height in pixels, the total number of pixels used in the image, and the number of pixels per byte. This information helps you to know how much space an image takes up in storage, to check if images meet printing requirements, or to find out which images need optimization. This information can be copied and pasted into another document or table, or saved for future use. Image-abulous!

What Is an Image File Size Finder?

This tool finds the size of any image file. To use the program, simply upload the image to the input and get information about its size on the output. First, the program displays the size of the image measured in bytes and kilobytes. Additionally, the program specifies the file format, its width and height in pixels, the total number of pixels used in the image, and the number of pixels per byte. This information helps you to know how much space an image takes up in storage, to check if images meet printing requirements, or to find out which images need optimization. This information can be copied and pasted into another document or table, or saved for future use. Image-abulous!

Image File Size Finder Examples

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Find a File Size of a PNG Image

This example finds the size of a PNG format image of beautiful purple flowers. On the first line, it prints the file size in bytes (159,936) and kilobytes (156.19). Further down, it shows the image extension (png), its width (533) and height (720), the total number of pixels (383,760), and the number of pixels per byte (2.4). (Source: Pexels.)

Image size: 159,936 bytes (156.19kb) Image format: png Image width: 533 pixels Image height: 720 pixels Total pixels: 383760 Pixels per byte: 2.4
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Calculate a GIF File Size

In this example, we upload a GIF file image to find its size. As GIF files are limited to 256 colors per frame, the image size turns out to be small, only 72,911 bytes. Thus, this cute frog image doesn't take up much space in storage. (Source: Pexels.)

Image size: 72,911 bytes (71.2kb) Image format: gif Image width: 560 pixels Image height: 374 pixels Total pixels: 209440 Pixels per byte: 2.87
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Determine a Size of a JPG (JPEG)

In this example, we find the file size of a JPEG image. Since this format is well-suited for optimization and supports lossy compression, the file size is only 45.19kb. Additionally, we find out the dimensions of the file are 600 by 400 pixels, the total number of pixels is 240,000, and the number of pixels per byte is 5.19. (Source: Pexels.)

Image size: 46,272 bytes (45.19kb) Image format: jpeg Image width: 600 pixels Image height: 400 pixels Total pixels: 240000 Pixels per byte: 5.19
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Identify a BMP Image Size

In this example, we input an image in BMP format. This format does not allow data compression and stores information about all pixels in a raw, unoptimized array. As a result, we find that such a small image of 360x257 pixels weighs 361.53kb. (Source: Pexels.)

Image size: 370,202 bytes (361.53kb) Image format: bmp Image width: 360 pixels Image height: 257 pixels Total pixels: 92520 Pixels per byte: 0.25
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Calculate a WebP Image Size

In this example, we calculate the file size for a WebP image. As this format is relatively new and has excellent compression properties, both lossy and lossless, this ripe papaya WebP turns out to be quite small, at 34,442 bytes. (Source: Pexels.)

Image size: 34,442 bytes (33.63kb) Image format: webp Image width: 640 pixels Image height: 790 pixels Total pixels: 505600 Pixels per byte: 14.68

All Image Tools

Didn't find the tool you were looking for? Let us know what tool we are missing and we'll build it!
Quickly pixelate an area of an image.
Quickly blur an area of an image.
Quickly sharpen an area of an image.
Quickly increase or decrease the brightness of an image.
Quickly increase or decrease the contrast of an image.
Quickly increase or decrease the lightness of an image.
Quickly increase or decrease the hue of an image.
Quickly increase or decrease the saturation of an image.
Quickly add a sepia effect to an image.
Quickly add a rainbow effect to an image.
Quickly apply a popular filter to an image.
Quickly rotate any image by an arbitrary angle.
Quickly resize any image to any size.
Quickly create a larger image from a smaller image.
Quickly create a smaller image from a larger image.
Quickly upsize an image's dimensions proportionally.
Quickly downsize an image's dimensions proportionally.
Quickly crop an area of any image.
Quickly slice a part of an image.
Quickly cut out the desired fragment of an image.
Quickly convert a color image to a grayscale image.
Quickly swap black and white colors in a grayscale image.
Quickly make multiple copies of an image.
Quickly flip an image horizontally.
Quickly flip an image vertically.
Quickly change the orientation of an image to horizontal or vertical.
Quickly change image orientation from horizontal to vertical.
Quickly change image orientation from vertical to horizontal.
Quickly add text to any image.
Quickly add annotations (text, labels, arrows, boxes) to images.
Quickly add copyright protection to an image.
Quickly hide information in an image by blurring it or blacking it out.
Quickly hide any face in an image behind a blur layer.
Quickly hide any face in an image behind a pixel layer.
Quickly hide any face in an image and safeguard personal data.
Quickly apply a blur mask to car license plates in the image.
Quickly apply a pixel mask to car license plates in the image.
Quickly hide any license plate in an image from unwanted views.
Quickly add noise (pixel grain) effect to an image.
Quickly convert any color in an image to transparent.
Quickly add translucency to the given image.
Quickly make the background of an image transparent.
Quickly add a background to a transparent image.
Quickly change one color to another in any image.
Quickly change the visual quality of any image.
Quickly convert a PNG image to a JPG image.
Quickly convert a JPG image to a PNG image.
Quickly convert a PNG image to a GIF image.
Quickly convert a GIF image to a PNG image.
Quickly convert a PNG image to a BMP image.
Quickly convert a BMP image to a PNG image.
Quickly convert a WebP image to a JPG image.
Quickly convert a JPG image to a WebP image.
Quickly convert a WebP image to a PNG image.
Quickly convert a PNG image to a WebP image.
Quickly convert a WebP image to a GIF image.
Quickly convert a GIF image to a WebP image.
Quickly convert a WebP image to a BMP image.
Quickly convert a BMP image to a WebP image.
Quickly base64-encode a PNG image.
Quickly decode a base64-encoded PNG image.
Quickly convert a BMP image to a GIF image.
Quickly convert a GIF image to a BMP image.
Quickly convert a JPEG image to a bitmap image.
Quickly convert a bitmap image to a JPEG image.
Quickly base64-encode a BMP image.
Quickly base64-decode a bitmap image.
Quickly base64-encode a WebP image.
Quickly base64-decode a bitmap image.
Quickly convert a JPEG image to a single-frame GIF image.
Quickly convert an animated GIF to a JPEG image.
Quickly convert a GIF to base64 encoding.
Quickly convert a base64 encoding to a GIF.
Quickly view and extract frames from GIF animations.
Quickly play a GIF animation frame by frame.
Quickly base64-encode a JPEG image.
Quickly decode a base64-encoded JPEG image.
Quickly change the compression level of a JPG image.
Quickly make the file size of an image smaller.
Quickly convert an image to base64 encoding.
Quickly convert base64 encoding to an image.
Quickly convert an image to a Data URL.
Quickly convert a Data URL to an image.
Quickly add a border around an image.
Quickly remove the border that surrounds the image.
Quickly create a colored outline around objects in the image.
Quickly pad an image from all sides.
Quickly expand an image by adding space around it.
Quickly make corners of any image rounded.
Quickly generate a random image.
Quickly generate an image from text typed on your keyboard.
Quickly explode an image into a bunch of tiny pieces.
Quickly split an image into smaller parts.
Quickly cut an image into horizontal or vertical strips.
Quickly skew an image by the given angle.
Quickly an image to the left or to the right.
Quickly convert all colors in an image to just black and white.
Quickly convert a multicolor image to a duotone image.
Quickly convert an image to the binary art.
Quickly run a dithering algorithm on an image.
Quickly decrease the number of colors in an image.
Quickly simplify the color scheme of the image.
Quickly create a custom image of any color and width/height.
Quickly create an image with a linear or radial gradient.
Quickly create a blank image of arbitrary size.
Quickly create a one-color image of the desired shade.
Quickly invert all pixels in an image to the opposite color.
Quickly use a color picker to select a color in an image.
Quickly find dominant colors in an image.
Quickly find the tones that form the color palette of the image.
Quickly generate image size, format, pixel, and color palette information.
Quickly confirm or refute the PNG image format.
Quickly confirm or refute the JPG image format.
Quickly confirm or refute the WebP image format.
Quickly confirm or refute the GIF image format.
Quickly confirm or refute the BMP image format.
Quickly determine the image file size in bytes and kilobytes.
Quickly find the width, height, orientation, and aspect ratio of an image.
Quickly open and view images in your browser.
Quickly redraw an image using only web-safe colors.
Quickly separate RGBA, CMYK, and HSL channels from an image.
Quickly show the red, green, blue, and alpha channel of the RGBA color scheme.
Quickly show the hue, saturation, and light channels of the HSL color scheme.
Quickly show the hue, saturation, and value channels of the HSV color scheme.
Quickly show the hue, saturation, and intensity channels of the HSI color scheme.
Quickly show the cyan, magenta, yellow, and key channels of the CMYK color scheme.
Quickly show the lightness, A, and B channels of the LAB color scheme.
Quickly show the luma (Y) and chrominance (I and Q) channels of the YIQ color scheme.
Quickly show the hue, chroma, and luminance channels of the HCL color scheme.
Quickly show the luminance, chroma, and hue channels of the LCH color scheme.
Quickly show the Y (luma), Cb (blue-difference), and Cr (red-difference) channels of the YCbCr color scheme.
Quickly change the base color scheme in the image.
Quickly refine the image object's edges by removing noisy pixels.
Quickly select any object in the image and extract it by its color.
Quickly remove a specific color region from any image.
Quickly remove a green screen from any image.
Quickly remove a chroma key from any image.
Quickly check if an image has transparent pixels.
Quickly view transparent, semi-transparent, and opaque areas in an image.
Quickly generate a black silhouette of objects in an image.
Quickly create a stencil from opaque objects in an image.
Quickly rotate pixels around a central point in an image.
Quickly sort image pixels by color, lightness, or darkness.
Quickly convert an image into a colorful tile pattern.
Quickly shuffle pixels or groups of pixels in an image.
Quickly convert an image to a polaroid snapshot.
Quickly add a symmetrical part to your image.
Quickly optimize the quality of an image.
Quickly add a block or glitch compression effect to the image.
Quickly convert an image to R, G, B values.
Quickly create an image from an R, G, B array.
Quickly convert an image to hex codes.
Quickly create an image from a list of hex codes.
Quickly convert a set of symbols into an image using color assignment rules.

Coming Soon

These image tools are on the way!
Image Editor

Edit images in your browser.

Create a Fibonacci Spiral

Place images on a grid so that they make a Fibonacci spiral.

Convert PNG to ICO

Convert a PNG image to an ICO icon.

Convert ICO to PNG

Convert an ICO icon to a PNG image.

Convert PNG to TIFF

Convert a PNG image to a TIFF image.

Convert TIFF to PNG

Convert a TIFF image to a PNG image.

Convert JPG to ICO

Convert a JPEG image to an ICO icon.

Convert ICO to JPG

Convert an ICO icon to a JPEG image.

Convert JPG to TIFF

Convert a JPEG image to a TIFF image.

Convert TIFF to JPG

Convert a TIFF image to a JPEG image.

Convert GIF to ICO

Convert a GIF image to an ICO icon.

Convert ICO to GIF

Convert an ICO icon to a GIF image.

Convert GIF to TIFF

Convert a GIF image to a TIFF image.

Convert TIFF to GIF

Convert a TIFF image to a GIF image.

Convert GIF to Animated PNG

Convert a GIF image to an APNG icon.

Convert Animated PNG to GIF

Convert an APNG image to a PNG image.

Convert BMP to ICO

Convert a bitmap image to an ICO icon.

Convert ICO to BMP

Convert an ICO icon to a bitmap image.

Convert BMP to TIFF

Convert a bitmap image to a TIFF image.

Convert TIFF to BMP

Convert a TIFF image to a bitmap image.

Convert Webp to ICO

Convert a Webp image to an ICO icon.

Convert ICO to Webp

Convert an ICO icon to a Webp image.

Convert Webp to TIFF

Convert a Webp image to a TIFF image.

Convert TIFF to Webp

Convert a TIFF image to a Webp image.

Create an Animated GIF

Create an animated GIF image from static frames.

Create Image from BGR Array

Create an image from an B, G, R array.

Create Image from RGBA Array

Create an image from an R, G, B, A array.

Create Image from BGRA Array

Create an image from an B, G, R, A array.

Enhance Image Quality

Increase the quality of an image.

Reduce Image Quality

Decrease the quality of an image.

Unpixelate Image

Remove the pixelation effect from an image.

Unblur Image

Remove the blur effect from an image.

Extract Text from Image

Apply OCR on an image and extract all text from it.

Remove Text from Image

Erase text or label from an image.

Remove Object from Image

Erase any object from an image.

Create a Thumbnail

Convert an image to a thumbnail

Create a Glitch Image

Convert a PNG, GIF, JPG or BMP to glitch art.

Run Zalgo on an Image

Let Zalgo destroy an image.

Convert Image Color Space

Change an image color space to HSL, HSV, CMYK, or RGB.

Convert Image Bits Per Pixel

Change an image bit depth to 32, 24, 16, 8, 4, 2 bits or just 1 bit.

Create an Image Mosaic

Create a mosaic wall from multiple images.

Generate ASCII Art from an Image

Create an ASCII art image from a regular image.

Generate ANSI Art from an Image

Create an ANSI art image from a regular image.

Generate Unicode Art from an Image

Create a Unicode art image from a regular image.

Generate Braille Art from an Image

Create a Braille art image from a regular image.

Add a Label to an Image

Add a short one-line label to an image.

Delete a Watermark from an Image

Remove a watermark from an image.

Add Halftone Effect to an Image

Create an image made out of dots of varying size and spacing.

Blockify an Image

Convert an image to a bunch of blocks.

Add Progressive Effect to an Image

Create a GIF from the original image with interlacing effect.


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We're Browserling — a friendly and fun cross-browser testing company powered by alien technology. At Browserling we love to make people's lives easier, so we created this collection of image editing tools. Our tools have the simplest user interface that doesn't require advanced computer skills and they are used by millions of people every month. Our image tools are actually powered by our web developer tools that we created over the last couple of years. Check them out!


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