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Unique List Item Finder

World's Simplest List Tool

This is a super simple browser-based application that finds the unique items in a list. It works with all data types and returns a new list with only the distinct items in it. You can customize the input and output separators of list items, as well as trim items before comparison and skip empty items. Created by list geeks from team Browserling.

Unique List Item Finder

World's Simplest List Tool

This is a super simple browser-based application that finds the unique items in a list. It works with all data types and returns a new list with only the distinct items in it. You can customize the input and output separators of list items, as well as trim items before comparison and skip empty items. Created by list geeks from team Browserling.

᠎᠎᠎          Tool Options

Input List Delimiter

A specific character is used
to separate list items.
A regular expression is used
to separate list items.
Specific character or regular

Output List Delimiter

Separator of unique items in
the output list.
Remove spaces and tabs that
surround items before
checking if they are unique.
Don't include the empty list
items in the output.

Unique Item Options

Display only those items of the
list that exist in a single copy.
Output items with different case
as unique elements in the list.

What Is a Unique List Item Finder?

With this utility, you can find and extract unique items from a list. If any of the items in the input list appear more than once, then in the output list they will appear exactly once. An extra option "Find Absolutely Unique Items" lets you change this behavior. If you activate this option, then the program will find those items that are absolutely unique in the entire list – meaning items, which have no copies in the list. You may also need the "Case Sensitive Items" option, which allows you to identify capitalized words and lowercase words as two separate words. Sometimes, when working with lists, there is a lot of noise (in form of whitespace characters) around the items. In this case, you can trim all items before they are compared for uniqueness. Trimming involves removing leading and trailing whitespaces so that the potentially invisible whitespaces didn't lead to false results. You can also filter out all the empty items with the length equal to zero. The program works with multitype data lists. They can be lists of numbers, strings, characters, and they can include Unicode glyphs. All data types can be mixed, too. For example, you can have a word list with numbers or an emoji list with digits. To support all these list formats, we developed two list parsing modes. The first mode allows you to separate list items using the entered character. For example, if the input list is semicolon-separated, then you can enter a semicolon in the list item separator field. Similarly, if the list is dash-separated, then you need to enter a dash symbol in the separator option. The second mode allows you to separate the list items using a regular expression. For example, if the input list is comma- and colon-separated, then you can use the regex /[,:]/. You can also immediately reformat the unique output list by setting a new item separator. Listabulous!

What Is a Unique List Item Finder?

With this utility, you can find and extract unique items from a list. If any of the items in the input list appear more than once, then in the output list they will appear exactly once. An extra option "Find Absolutely Unique Items" lets you change this behavior. If you activate this option, then the program will find those items that are absolutely unique in the entire list – meaning items, which have no copies in the list. You may also need the "Case Sensitive Items" option, which allows you to identify capitalized words and lowercase words as two separate words. Sometimes, when working with lists, there is a lot of noise (in form of whitespace characters) around the items. In this case, you can trim all items before they are compared for uniqueness. Trimming involves removing leading and trailing whitespaces so that the potentially invisible whitespaces didn't lead to false results. You can also filter out all the empty items with the length equal to zero. The program works with multitype data lists. They can be lists of numbers, strings, characters, and they can include Unicode glyphs. All data types can be mixed, too. For example, you can have a word list with numbers or an emoji list with digits. To support all these list formats, we developed two list parsing modes. The first mode allows you to separate list items using the entered character. For example, if the input list is semicolon-separated, then you can enter a semicolon in the list item separator field. Similarly, if the list is dash-separated, then you need to enter a dash symbol in the separator option. The second mode allows you to separate the list items using a regular expression. For example, if the input list is comma- and colon-separated, then you can use the regex /[,:]/. You can also immediately reformat the unique output list by setting a new item separator. Listabulous!

Unique List Item Finder Examples

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Vehicle Registration Plates

In this example, we find all unique car plate numbers in a long list of vehicle registration plates. As all plates are separated by a comma, we select the mode that separates the list items by a character and enter the comma symbol in the item separator field. As some of the numbers are surrounded by spaces, we activate the trim-items option so that the items are compared only by their real content and not spaces around them. We also enable the skip-empty-items option to avoid processing empty items and set the asterisk symbol to be the new separator in the output list of unique license plates.

PT359D, P0738N, AC3166 , , TS662W, YD122E, TS662W , , PT359D, TS662W, AC3166 , , YD122E, PT359D, S8912X , , YD122E, TS662W, TS662W , , AC3166, PT359D, S8912X,,
PT359D * P0738N * AC3166 * TS662W * YD122E * S8912X
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
A specific character is used
to separate list items.
Specific character or regular
Separator of unique items in
the output list.
Remove spaces and tabs that
surround items before
checking if they are unique.
Don't include the empty list
items in the output.
Display only those items of the
list that exist in a single copy.
Output items with different case
as unique elements in the list.
click me

Find Products With No Copies

In this example, we load a grocery store shopping list. As it's a list of products for two people, several of the products appear in the list twice. The products that are just one person are entered just once. To quickly find the products that have a single copy, we activate the "Find Absolutely Unique Items" option, and in the output, we find that there are four such products.

Orange Orange Avocado Avocado Tomato Tuna Tuna Milk Yogurt Chicken Chicken Salmon Salmon Bread Apple Apple
Tomato Milk Yogurt Bread
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
A specific character is used
to separate list items.
Specific character or regular
Separator of unique items in
the output list.
Remove spaces and tabs that
surround items before
checking if they are unique.
Don't include the empty list
items in the output.
Display only those items of the
list that exist in a single copy.
Output items with different case
as unique elements in the list.
click me

Unique Astrological Signs

This example filters a list of astrological signs and finds only the unique values. They are returned in the output as a new list. Since the input list uses both a dash and a tilde character as item delimiter, we switch to the regular expression delimiter mode and enter the regexp /[-~]/ in the separator field. We also remove all leading and trailing whitespaces in the signs and display them one per line.

Leo - Aries ~ Scorpio - Cancer - Aquarius ~ Libra - Pisces ~ Cancer - Libra ~ Gemini - Taurus ~ Taurus - Gemini ~ Virgo - Scorpio - Pisces ~ Leo - Capricorn - Aries ~ Cancer - Capricorn - Taurus ~ Sagittarius - Virgo
Leo Aries Scorpio Cancer Aquarius Libra Pisces Gemini Taurus Virgo Capricorn Sagittarius
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
A regular expression is used
to separate list items.
Specific character or regular
Separator of unique items in
the output list.
Remove spaces and tabs that
surround items before
checking if they are unique.
Don't include the empty list
items in the output.
Display only those items of the
list that exist in a single copy.
Output items with different case
as unique elements in the list.
click me

Case-sensitive Unique Items

In this example, we find the unique elements of a list in a case-sensitive way. We split the list items via the regular expression "\s+" (which means one or more spaces or newlines) and see that some of the items have the same spelling but different meanings (such words are called homographs). Namely, the words "may" and "May" differ only by the first capital letter yet at the same time they have completely different meanings. Therefore, to consider these two items as different items, we turn on the "Case Sensitive Items" option.

Peonies may bloom in May or June Tulips may bloom in April or May
Peonies may bloom in May or June Tulips April
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
A regular expression is used
to separate list items.
Specific character or regular
Separator of unique items in
the output list.
Remove spaces and tabs that
surround items before
checking if they are unique.
Don't include the empty list
items in the output.
Display only those items of the
list that exist in a single copy.
Output items with different case
as unique elements in the list.
click me

Find Unique Musical Notes

The input list in this example is very unusual. The values of the list are musical notes that start with a treble clef and the item separator is a five-line staff symbol. To find unique list elements that are notes, we select the split by character mode and enter the symbol "𝄚" in the delimiter option. We get four unique notes in the output (and the starting treble clef) that we separate by the regular space character.

𝄞 ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
A specific character is used
to separate list items.
Specific character or regular
Separator of unique items in
the output list.
Remove spaces and tabs that
surround items before
checking if they are unique.
Don't include the empty list
items in the output.
Display only those items of the
list that exist in a single copy.
Output items with different case
as unique elements in the list.

Pro tips Master online list tools

You can pass input to this tool via ?input query argument and it will automatically compute output. Here's how to type it in your browser's address bar. Click to try!


All List Tools

Didn't find the tool you were looking for? Let us know what tool we are missing and we'll build it!
Quickly print all distinct items of a list.
Quickly print all repeating items of a list.
Quickly count the number of items in a list.
Quickly display list items in multiple colors.
Quickly generate a list of arbitrary length with arbitrary items.
Quickly generate a random length list with random items.
Quickly find certain items in a list.
Quickly find how many times each item appears in the list.
Quickly replace certain items in a list with new items.
Quickly remove items from a list that match a pattern.
Quickly print all list items in reverse order.
Quickly sort list items alphabetically or numerically.
Quickly shuffle list items and make it random.
Quickly randomly pick one or more items from a list.
Quickly create a downloadable image from a list.
Quickly set a new delimiter for items in a list.
Quickly remove the symbol that separates list items.
Quickly change list item delimiters to the same symbol.
Quickly remove items from the beginning or end of a list.
Quickly join all items of a list together.
Quickly create groups of multiple list items.
Quickly extract a part of a list.
Quickly remove all empty items from a list.
Quickly remove whitespace characters around list items.
Quickly create multiple copies of a list.
Quickly rotate list items to the left or right (or up and down).
Quickly enumerate list items and add a counter to them.
Quickly add bullet markers to all items in a list.
Quickly remove all bullet markers from list items.
Quickly wrap all list items in quotes.
Quickly remove all quotation marks from around list items.
Quickly add text on the left and right sides of all list items.
Quickly remove text from the left and right sides of all list items.
Quickly prepend a prefix before each list item.
Quickly delete any prefix from the beginning of all list items.
Quickly append a suffix after each list item.
Quickly delete any suffix from the end of all list items.
Quickly add or remove list items to make it a certain length.
Quickly create multiple columns from a single list.
Quickly create a palindromic list from the given list.
Quickly add new items at the beginning or end of a list.
Quickly left-pad a list with one or more items.
Quickly right-pad a list with one or more items.
Quickly remove items that repeat in a list.
Quickly apply a filter on all list items (extract certain items).
Quickly analyze a list and print its item statistics.

Coming Soon

These list tools are on the way!
Edit a List

View and edit lists in a neat browser-based list editor.

Split a List

Split list items into chunks.

Generate the Powerlist

Create the powerlist of the given list.

Find the Car of a List

Extract the first item from a list.

Find the Cdr of a List

Extract all items except the first of a list.

Apply a Function on a List

Run a JavaScript function on every list item (map function).

Reduce a List

Run the reduce function on a list.

Find Certain List Items

Quickly find and print items that interest you in a list.

Find Repeating List Items

Quickly find and print items that repeat in a list.

Delete Unique List Items

Quickly find and remove items that are unique in a list.

Extract a Sublist from a List

Given start and stop indexes, extract a sublist from a list.

Shift List Items

Shift list items to the left or right (or up and down).

Indent List Items

Add indentation to all list items.

Skew List Items

Make a list go increasingly sideways (to the left or right).

Mirror a List

Quickly create a mirror copy of a list.

Invert a List

Invert the order of items in a list (last becomes first, etc).

Convert a List to Rows

Create multiple rows from a single list.

Convert a List to Excel

Create an Excel (XLS/XLSX) file from a list.

Convert a List to PDF

Create a PDF file from a list.

Convert a Text List to a LaTeX List

Create a LaTeX list from a regular text list.

Convert a Text List to a HTML List

Create a HTML list from a regular text list.

Convert a Text List to a Markdown List

Create a Markdown list from a regular text list.

Compare Two Lists

Find the difference between two lists.

Compare Three Lists

Find the difference between three lists.

Remove One List from Another

Remove elements from a list that appear in the other list.

Find Common Items in Lists

Find items that are shared between two or more lists.

Find Distinct Items in Lists

Find items that are unique in two or more lists.

Zip Two Lists

Join two or more lists together item by item.

Unzip Two Lists

Split an interleaved list into two or more separate lists.

Merge Two Lists

Append a second list at the end of the first list.

Pair List Items

Create pairs from all list items.

Pop List Items

Remove list items at certain index positions.

Push List Items

Add new items at the end of a list.

Splice a List

Modify a list in-place by adding, replacing, or removing items.

Flatten a List

Remove all indentation levels from a list and make it flat.

Make List Items Bold

Quickly apply the bold effect to all list items.

Make List Items Italic

Quickly apply the italic effect to all list items.

Make List Items Cursive

Quickly rewrite all list items in cursive.

Change List Item Font

Quickly change the font of all list items.

Add an Underscore to List Items

Quickly add an underscore to all list items.

Add a Strikethrough to List Items

Quickly add a strikethrough to all list items.

Make List Items Title Case

Quickly change the letter case of all items to title case.

Make List Items Proper Case

Quickly change the letter case of all items to proper case.

Make List Items Random Case

Quickly randomly change the letter case of all items.

Make List Items Lowercase

Quickly change the letter case of all items to small letters.

Make List Items Uppercase

Quickly change the letter case of all items to capital letters.

Remove List Item Counter

Quickly remove any numeration from a list of items.

Create an Empty List

Generate a list with no items (just bullet points).

Visualize a List

Quickly create a graphical representation of a list.

Create a List Cloud

Create an image with a cloud of list items.

Create a Spiral List

Create an image with list items going in a spiral.

Create a ZigZag List

Make list items go in a zigzag.

Add Errors to a List

Add errors and corruption to a list.

Base64-encode a List

Convert any list to base64 encoding.

Base64-decode a List

Convert any list from base64 encoding back to a list.

URL-encode a List

Convert any list to URL encoding.

URL-decode a List

Convert any list from URL encoding back to a list.

Convert a List to JSON

Create a JSON array from a list.

Convert JSON to a List

Create a list from a JSON array.

Convert a List to XML

Create an XML document from a list.

Convert XML to a List

Create a list from an XML document.

Convert a List to YAML

Create a YAML file from a list.

Convert YAML to a List

Create a list from a YAML file.

Convert a Text List to a Binary List

Create a binary list from a text list.

Convert a Binary List to a Text List

Create a text list from a binary list.

Compress a List

Compress a list so it uses less space.

Scroll a List

Create an animation with a list being scrolled.

Let Zalgo Destroy a List

Let Zalgo loose on a list and create list-chaos.


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Created with love by

We're Browserling — a friendly and fun cross-browser testing company powered by alien technology. At Browserling our mission is to make people's lives easier, so we created this collection of online list tools. Our tools are focused on getting things done quickly and as soon as you load your list in the input of any of our tools, you'll instantly get the result. Our list tools are actually powered by our web developer tools that we created over the last couple of years. Check them out!


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