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Unicode Splitter

World's Simplest Unicode Tool

This browser-based utility splits Unicode data into fragments. Anything that you paste or enter in the text area on the left automatically gets split into fragments on the right. It supports all Unicode symbols and it works with emoji characters. You can split the data by a character, a regular expression, a specific length, or into specific quantity of fragments. You can also set a custom separator for the output fragments. Created by encoding gurus from team Browserling.

Unicode Splitter

World's Simplest Unicode Tool

This browser-based utility splits Unicode data into fragments. Anything that you paste or enter in the text area on the left automatically gets split into fragments on the right. It supports all Unicode symbols and it works with emoji characters. You can split the data by a character, a regular expression, a specific length, or into specific quantity of fragments. You can also set a custom separator for the output fragments. Created by encoding gurus from team Browserling.

Tool Options

Splitting Method

Write character on the right.
Write regex on the right.
Write length on the right.
Write quantity on the right.

Splitting Method Options

Enter the split character here.
Enter the regular expression here.
Enter the fragment length here.
Enter the fragments quantity here.

Separator and Decoration

Use this symbol to separate output fragments.
Left decorative character.
Right decorative character.

What Is a Unicode Splitter?

This utility splits Unicode data into fragments. We have four useful methods to do it. The first one converts Unicode into pieces through a character that you specify. It finds all matches of this symbol, removes it, and creates pieces from the remaining text. For example, if you enter the heart emoji "💓" as a delimiter in a simple sentence "I💓love💓Unicode!", you will get a list of three words "I", "love", "Unicode!". The second method allows you to use a regular expression to split text. For example, if you apply a regex /[A-Z]+/g (all uppercase letters) on the Unicode data "P🎉A🎈R🥂T💥Y", you will get four pieces "🎉", "🎈", "🥂", "💥". This is because all uppercase letters are removed and the remaining symbols form fragments. The third splitting method lets you group text into fragments of a certain length. For example, if you set the length to 5 for the phrase "I love Unicode!", you will get three pieces, each with 5 characters "I lov", "e Uni", "code!". The fourth method splits the input Unicode into the specified number of fragments. For example, if you enter the Unicode "𝚞𝚗𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚟𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎" and specify split it into 4 parts, you will get the output "𝚞𝚗𝚋", "𝚎𝚕𝚒", "𝚎𝚟𝚊", and "𝚋𝚕𝚎". You can also improve the output format by setting the delimiter character for the resulting fragments and optionally adding decorative symbols to the left and right sides of the fragment.

What Is a Unicode Splitter?

This utility splits Unicode data into fragments. We have four useful methods to do it. The first one converts Unicode into pieces through a character that you specify. It finds all matches of this symbol, removes it, and creates pieces from the remaining text. For example, if you enter the heart emoji "💓" as a delimiter in a simple sentence "I💓love💓Unicode!", you will get a list of three words "I", "love", "Unicode!". The second method allows you to use a regular expression to split text. For example, if you apply a regex /[A-Z]+/g (all uppercase letters) on the Unicode data "P🎉A🎈R🥂T💥Y", you will get four pieces "🎉", "🎈", "🥂", "💥". This is because all uppercase letters are removed and the remaining symbols form fragments. The third splitting method lets you group text into fragments of a certain length. For example, if you set the length to 5 for the phrase "I love Unicode!", you will get three pieces, each with 5 characters "I lov", "e Uni", "code!". The fourth method splits the input Unicode into the specified number of fragments. For example, if you enter the Unicode "𝚞𝚗𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚟𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎" and specify split it into 4 parts, you will get the output "𝚞𝚗𝚋", "𝚎𝚕𝚒", "𝚎𝚟𝚊", and "𝚋𝚕𝚎". You can also improve the output format by setting the delimiter character for the resulting fragments and optionally adding decorative symbols to the left and right sides of the fragment.

Unicode Splitter Examples

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Split by Unicode Character

In this example, we split a single-line math data into individual equations. We activate the "Split by Character" option here and enter "❓" as the delimiter symbol in the adjacent field. Thus, all the content between this character is converted into fragments and placed on new lines.

2 + 2 = ❓ 3 + 3 = ❓ 4 + 4 = ❓ 5 + 5 = ❓
2 + 2 = 3 + 3 = 4 + 4 = 5 + 5 =
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
Write character on the right.
Enter the split character here.
Use this symbol to separate output fragments.
Left decorative character.
Right decorative character.
click me

Extract Unicode Letters

In this example, we extract all double-struck letters from a mixed string. We use the regular expression "[a-zA-Z]+" to do it. This regex finds all Latin uppercase and lowercase letters, deletes them, and divides the remaining symbols into parts. We also set the space character as the separator for the output symbols and get the word "excellent" written in outlined Unicode font.

𝕖 𝕩 𝕔 𝕖 𝕝 𝕝 𝕖 𝕟 𝕥
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
Write regex on the right.
Enter the regular expression here.
Use this symbol to separate output fragments.
Left decorative character.
Right decorative character.
click me

Split Emojis into Triplets

In this example, we use the length parameter to split a stream of emojis into groups of length three. In the options, we set the piece length to 3 symbols and get six triplets of different mood emoticons. The way this length option works is it splits Unicode into graphemes and then takes every three graphemes to produce a group.

😃😄😆 😛😜😝 🤢🥵🥶 😰😨😱 😶🙃😐 😮😲🤯
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
Write length on the right.
Enter the fragment length here.
Use this symbol to separate output fragments.
Left decorative character.
Right decorative character.
click me

Split Braille Text into 4 Fragments

In this example, we use our Unicode splitting program to divide the input text written in the Braille writing system into several parts of equal length. We select the split-by-quantity-of-fragments mode in the options and specify "4" as the number of parts to obtain. As a result, the continuous Braille text is split into four chunks, which are separated by an empty line, making it now much easier to translate.

⠅⠑⠑⠏ ⠽⠕⠥⠗ ⠉⠓⠊⠝ ⠥⠏
⠅⠑⠑⠏ ⠽⠕⠥⠗ ⠉⠓⠊ ⠝ ⠥⠏
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
Write quantity on the right.
Enter the fragments quantity here.
Use this symbol to separate output fragments.
Left decorative character.
Right decorative character.
click me

Split Ingredients of a Magic Potion

In this example, our mage friend passed us a list of ingredients for a new magical potion. His list was comma-separated but we love to work with vertical lists, so to make the conversion, we split the ingredients by the comma symbol and put a new line break instead of a comma for the output. Also to follow the potion guidelines, we decorate each ingredient of the potion with the symbol "▸ " at the beginning and the symbol " ◂" at the end.

🌿 𝕸andrake 𝕽oot, 🌙 𝕰ssence of 𝕸oonlight, 🔥 𝕿ears of a 𝕻hoenix, 🦄 𝖀nicorn 𝕳orn 𝕻owder, 🌼 𝕾prig of 𝕰lderflower, 💜 𝕯ried 𝕷avender, 💎 𝕸oonstone
▸ 🌿 𝕸andrake 𝕽oot ◂ ▸ 🌙 𝕰ssence of 𝕸oonlight ◂ ▸ 🔥 𝕿ears of a 𝕻hoenix ◂ ▸ 🦄 𝖀nicorn 𝕳orn 𝕻owder ◂ ▸ 🌼 𝕾prig of 𝕰lderflower ◂ ▸ 💜 𝕯ried 𝕷avender ◂ ▸ 💎 𝕸oonstone ◂
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
Write character on the right.
Enter the split character here.
Use this symbol to separate output fragments.
Left decorative character.
Right decorative character.

Pro tips Master online unicode tools

You can pass input to this tool via ?input query argument and it will automatically compute output. Here's how to type it in your browser's address bar. Click to try!


All Unicode Tools

Didn't find the tool you were looking for? Let us know what tool we are missing and we'll build it!
Quickly find code positions of all Unicode values.
Quickly decode code positions to Unicode values.
Quickly encode Unicode values to UTF-8 encoding.
Quickly encode Unicode values to UTF-16 encoding.
Quickly encode Unicode values to UTF-32 encoding.
Quickly create a picture from Unicode symbols.
Quickly generate random Unicode text in a given range.
Quickly generate all Unicode values from the given code point interval.
Quickly filter Unicode symbols that are within the given code point interval.
Quickly split Unicode data into graphemes.
Quickly sort Unicode glyphs in increasing or decreasing order.
Quickly find the length of Unicode text.
Quickly increase Unicode code point values.
Quickly decrease Unicode code point values.
Quickly reverse the order of symbols in Unicode text.
Quickly rotate Unicode characters to the left and right.
Quickly create multiple copies of Unicode text.
Quickly extract all characters from Unicode text.
Quickly split Unicode data into pieces.
Quickly split Unicode text into chunks of constant length.
Quickly merge Unicode snippets together.
Quickly shorten Unicode text to the given length.
Quickly left-pad Unicode text with any character.
Quickly right-pad Unicode text with any character.
Quickly align Unicode data to the center.
Quickly align Unicode data to the right.
Quickly convert ordinary numbers to fancy Unicode numbers.
Quickly convert Unicode numbers back to regular numbers.
Quickly convert ordinary letters to Unicode letters in various fonts.
Quickly convert Unicode letters back to regular Latin letters.
Quickly convert ordinary text to fancy Unicode text.
Quickly convert fancy Unicode text back to regular text.
Quickly combine input Unicode with diacritical marks.
Quickly delete diacritical marks from the Unicode text.
Quickly spoof regular text using Unicode homoglyphs.
Quickly unspoof homoglyphs in text with regular letters.
Quickly check if the given Unicode text is spoofed or not.
Quickly circularly rearrange Unicode symbols.
Quickly convert Unicode data to escape sequences.
Quickly encode Unicode data to HTML entities.
Quickly URL-escape Unicode symbols.
Quickly encode Unicode values to base64.
Quickly encode Unicode values to a data URI.
Quickly convert Unicode characters to raw bytes.
Quickly convert Unicode data to base-2 (binary).
Quickly convert Unicode data to base-8 (octal).
Quickly convert Unicode data to base-10 (decimal).
Quickly convert Unicode data to base-16 (hexadecimal).
Quickly convert Unicode symbols to raw ASCII bytes.
Quickly convert ASCII bytes to Unicode symbols.
Quickly convert Unicode text to a string literal.
Quickly create a picture from Unicode emojis.
Quickly release Zalgo on your Unicode text.
Quickly make Zalgo text readable again.

Coming Soon

These Unicode tools are on the way!
Edit Unicode

View and edit Unicode in a browser-based editor.

Name Unicode Symbols

Spell out the names of Unicode characters in the input text.

URL-decode Unicode

URL-unescape Unicode text.

Convert Binary to Unicode

Convert base-2 data to Unicode encoding.

Convert Octal to Unicode

Convert base-8 data to Unicode encoding.

Convert Decimal to Unicode

Convert base-10 data to Unicode encoding.

Convert Hex to Unicode

Convert base-16 data to Unicode encoding.

Convert Unicode to Any Base

Convert Unicode text to any radix.

Convert Any Base to Unicode

Convert any radix data to Unicode.

Convert Unicode to Latin1

Convert Unicode text to ISO-8859-1 encoding.

Convert Latin1 to Unicode

Convert ISO-859-1 encoded data to Unicode.

Convert Unicode to Latin2

Convert Unicode text to ISO-8859-2 encoding.

Convert Latin2 to Unicode

Convert ISO-8859-2 encoded data to Unicode.

Convert Unicode to Ecoji

Convert Unicode text to Ecoji encoding.

Convert Ecoji to Unicode

Convert Ecoji encoded data to Unicode.

Convert Bytes to Unicode

Convert raw bytes to Unicode.

Check Unicode Version

Check the Unicode version of the given Unicode characters.

Validate Unicode

Check if the given Unicode has valid encoding.

Convert Unicode to Punycode

Encode Unicode text to Punycode encoding.

Convert Punycode to Unicode

Decode Punycode encoding to Unicode.

Decode Base64 to Unicode

Convert base64 data to Unicode text.

Encode Unicode to Data URI

Convert Unicode to a valid data URL.

Decode Data URI to Unicode

Convert a valid data URL to Unicode text.

Convert HTML to Unicode

Decode HTML entities to Unicode data.

Convert UTF8 to Unicode

Decode UTF8 encoding to Unicode.

Convert UTF16 to Unicode

Decode UTF16 encoding to Unicode.

Convert UTF32 to Unicode

Decode UTF32 encoding to Unicode.

Convert Unicode to Uppercase

Convert all Unicode characters to uppercase.

Convert Unicode to Lowercase

Convert all Unicode characters to lowercase.

Print All Unicode Flags

Generate a list of all country flag icons.

Print All Unicode Arrows

Generate a list of all Unicode arrows.

Print All Unicode Animals

Generate a list of all Unicode animals.

Print All Unicode Flowers and Plants

Generate a list of all Unicode flowers and plants.

Print All Unicode Blocks

Generate a list of all Unicode block elements.

Print All Unicode Hieroglyphs

Generate a list of all Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Print All Unicode Currencies

Generate a list of all currency symbols.

Generate a Unicode Rainbow

Use Unicode colors to generate a rainbow.

Generate a Lenny Face

Create a smiley face from Unicode symbols.

Generate Random Emoji

Generate a list of random emojis.

Convert Unicode to Randomcase

Randomize case of all Unicode characters.

Convert Unicode to Lowercase

Convert all Unicode characters to lowercase.

JSON Stringify Unicode

Encode Unicode to JSON.

JSON Parse Unicode

Decode JSON to Unicode.

Shuffle Unicode Symbols

Randomly rearrange the order of input graphemes.

Convert Unicode to Alt Code

Generate Alt codes for Unicode characters.

Convert Alt Code to Unicode

Generate Unicode glyphs from Alt codes.

Analyze Unicode

Print statistics about Unicode data and code points.

Slice Unicode

Extract a part from Unicode data.

Draw a Unicode Wave

Generate waves with Unicode symbols.

Draw a Unicode Sparkline

Generate graphs using Unicode symbols.

Draw a Unicode Box

Wrap a message in a Unicode box.


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Created with love by

We're Browserling — a friendly and fun cross-browser testing company powered by alien technology. At Browserling we love to make people's lives easier, so we created this collection of online Unicode tools. Our tools are focused on gettings things done and they have the simplest possible user interface. As soon as you load your Unicode data in the input of any of our tools, you'll instantly get the result in the output. Behind the scenes, our tools are actually powered by our web developer tools that we created over the last couple of years. Check them out!


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