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JSON Analyzer

World's Simplest JSON Tool

Free online JSON analyzer. Just load your JSON in the input field and you'll automatically get detailed information about it, such as its basic structure, nesting depth, nested objects and arrays, data type distribution, and the total number of objects, arrays, strings, numbers, and booleans in it. Created for developers by developers from team Browserling.

JSON Analyzer

World's Simplest JSON Tool

Free online JSON analyzer. Just load your JSON in the input field and you'll automatically get detailed information about it, such as its basic structure, nesting depth, nested objects and arrays, data type distribution, and the total number of objects, arrays, strings, numbers, and booleans in it. Created for developers by developers from team Browserling.

Tool Options

JSON Analysis

Shows basic details like JSON type (object, array, etc.), nesting depth and composition.
Counts the number of objects, arrays, strings, booleans, etc., in the given JSON.

Nested Data Analysis

Don't show the nested data analysis information block.
Show analysis of all nested objects and arrays.
Show analysis of nested objects and arrays at the specified depths.
Specify analysis depths as comma-separated values here. For example: 1, 3-4.

What Is a JSON Analyzer?

This tool analyzes JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data files and prints their statistics. Primarily, it checks if the input JSON has a valid syntax, and if there are any errors, it displays them in a human-readable way so that you can fix them. If the JSON is valid, the program displays useful information about the data structure. The information is divided into three category blocks, and each block of information can be activated or deactivated using checkboxes in the options. The first category includes the main JSON information. Specifically, the program determines whether the given JSON is an object, array, string, number, boolean value, or null, and indicates whether the data structure contains any additional nested objects or arrays, and determines the maximum nesting depth. The second block of information includes statistics about the data types used in the JSON. Specifically, the program counts the number of objects, arrays, strings, numbers, boolean "true" and "false" values, and "null" values. The third block of information allows you to recursively traverse into nested data and extract information from JSON's hierarchical structure. In particular, you can explore data at any depth level of the JSON file and extract data type information at that depth. Additionally, you can find the name (key) of the parent object or array, print all values at this depth level, list keys and their count in the object at this depth level, or if it's an array, then list values and their count in the array. The "Analyze All Nested Objects" option lets you extract this information about nested objects and arrays at all depth levels at once. You also can specify certain depths from which you want to extract the information. For example, if you specify depths "2, 3-5" in the "Analyze Specific Nesting Level" option, the program will extract information only from the 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th depth levels of JSON. Json-abulous!

What Is a JSON Analyzer?

This tool analyzes JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data files and prints their statistics. Primarily, it checks if the input JSON has a valid syntax, and if there are any errors, it displays them in a human-readable way so that you can fix them. If the JSON is valid, the program displays useful information about the data structure. The information is divided into three category blocks, and each block of information can be activated or deactivated using checkboxes in the options. The first category includes the main JSON information. Specifically, the program determines whether the given JSON is an object, array, string, number, boolean value, or null, and indicates whether the data structure contains any additional nested objects or arrays, and determines the maximum nesting depth. The second block of information includes statistics about the data types used in the JSON. Specifically, the program counts the number of objects, arrays, strings, numbers, boolean "true" and "false" values, and "null" values. The third block of information allows you to recursively traverse into nested data and extract information from JSON's hierarchical structure. In particular, you can explore data at any depth level of the JSON file and extract data type information at that depth. Additionally, you can find the name (key) of the parent object or array, print all values at this depth level, list keys and their count in the object at this depth level, or if it's an array, then list values and their count in the array. The "Analyze All Nested Objects" option lets you extract this information about nested objects and arrays at all depth levels at once. You also can specify certain depths from which you want to extract the information. For example, if you specify depths "2, 3-5" in the "Analyze Specific Nesting Level" option, the program will extract information only from the 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th depth levels of JSON. Json-abulous!

JSON Analyzer Examples

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Analyze a JSON Array with Beverages

In this example, we analyze a JSON file containing information about various beverages. We display the basic info about the file as well as statistics about the data types it contains. As shown in the printout, this JSON file is an array that contains nested arrays and objects with a total depth of 3. Additionally, we see that the total number of objects is 2, then there are 3 arrays, 8 strings, and 4 object keys.

[ { "name": "Soft Drinks", "items": ["Coca-Cola", "Sprite", "Fanta"] }, { "name": "Coffee", "items": ["Latte", "Cappuccino", "Espresso"] } ]
General JSON Info: ------------------ Type: array Nested objects: true Nested arrays: true Depth: 3 Number of Data Types: --------------------- Number of objects: 2 Number of arrays: 3 Number of strings: 8 Number of numbers: 0 Number of booleans: 0 Number of null: 0 Number of keys: 4 Number of true: 0 Number of false: 0
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
Shows basic details like JSON type (object, array, etc.), nesting depth and composition.
Counts the number of objects, arrays, strings, booleans, etc., in the given JSON.
Don't show the nested data analysis information block.
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Extract Nested Data Info from JSON

In this example, we extract information from a JSON object about all nested data structures at the 2nd level of nesting. We do so by choosing the the mode to extract nested data at a specific depth and setting the depth level to "2". As a result, we obtain information about an array that's under the key "categories" and an object under the key "specs".

{ "name": "Smartwatch", "price": 299.99, "brand": "Logitech", "inStock": true, "categories": [ "electronics", "accessories" ], "specs": { "color": "Black", "batteryLife": "12 months" } }
Nested Data Info: ----------------- Depth 2: Type: array Parent: "categories" Length: 2 Values: "electronics", "accessories" Type: object Parent: "specs" Key count: 2 Keys: "color", "batteryLife" Values: "Black", "12 months"
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
Shows basic details like JSON type (object, array, etc.), nesting depth and composition.
Counts the number of objects, arrays, strings, booleans, etc., in the given JSON.
Show analysis of nested objects and arrays at the specified depths.
Specify analysis depths as comma-separated values here. For example: 1, 3-4.
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Full Analysis of JSON Company Profile

In this example, we activate all information analysis options and get the most complete profile of the given JSON data structure. In the output, we get detailed information about the JSON object, the statistical analysis of different data types, as well as full information about the data at every level of nesting of the JSON object.

{ "company": { "name": "Nike, Inc.", "founded": 1964, "founders": [ "Bill Bowerman", "Phil Knight" ], "worldwide": true, "products": [ "sporting goods", "accessories" ] } }
General JSON Info: ------------------ Type: object Nested objects: true Nested arrays: true Depth: 3 Number of Data Types: --------------------- Number of objects: 2 Number of arrays: 2 Number of strings: 5 Number of numbers: 1 Number of booleans: 1 Number of null: 0 Number of keys: 6 Number of true: 1 Number of false: 0 Nested Data Info: ----------------- Depth 1: Type: object Key count: 1 Keys: "company" Values: {object} Depth 2: Type: object Parent: "company" Key count: 5 Keys: "name", "founded", "founders", "worldwide", "products" Values: "Nike, Inc.", 1964, [array], true, [array] Depth 3: Type: array Parent: "founders" Length: 2 Values: "Bill Bowerman", "Phil Knight" Type: array Parent: "products" Length: 2 Values: "sporting goods", "accessories"
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
Shows basic details like JSON type (object, array, etc.), nesting depth and composition.
Counts the number of objects, arrays, strings, booleans, etc., in the given JSON.
Show analysis of all nested objects and arrays.

Pro tips Master online json tools

You can pass input to this tool via ?input query argument and it will automatically compute output. Here's how to type it in your browser's address bar. Click to try!


All JSON Tools

Didn't find the tool you were looking for? Let us know what tool we are missing and we'll build it!
Quickly color-code the syntax of a JSON file.
Quickly beautify a JSON data structure.
Quickly compress a JSON file.
Quickly convert JavaScript data to a JSON string.
Quickly convert a JSON string to JavaScript data.
Quickly check JSON for errors and report them.
Quickly escape special JSON characters.
Quickly unescape an escaped JSON string.
Quickly convert a JSON data structure to an XML file.
Quickly convert an XML file to a JSON data structure.
Quickly convert a JSON data structure to a YAML markup.
Quickly convert a YAML markup to a JSON data structure.
Quickly convert a JSON file to a TSV file.
Quickly convert TSV data to a JSON file.
Quickly convert a JSON file to a CSV file.
Quickly convert CSV data to JSON data.
Quickly convert a JSON structure to binary JSON encoding.
Quickly convert JSON to a PNG, GIF, JPG, or BMP image.
Quickly create a screenshot from JSON code.
Quickly encode JSON to base64.
Quickly decode base64 to JSON.
Quickly convert JSON to URL-encoding.
Quickly convert URL-escaped JSON back to JSON.
Quickly convert JSON data to plain text.
Quickly edit a JSON file in a neat JSON editor in your web browser.
Quickly extract keys from objects in JSON data.
Quickly extract values from objects in JSON data.
Quickly reduce the nesting level of an array of arrays.
Quickly create a single-level JSON object from nested JSON objects.
Quickly rewrite JSON strings, keys, and values using escape codes.
Quickly obfuscate a JSON data structure.
Quickly remove certain information from a JSON data structure.
Quickly display detailed information about a JSON data structure.
Quickly convert a JSON file to properties file.
Quickly convert a properties file to a JSON file.

Coming Soon

These JSON tools are on the way!
Find JSON Keys/Values

Find keys and/or values that interest you in a JSON file.

Convert JSON to a List

Create a text list from a JSON array or object.

Convert a List to JSON

Create a JSON array from a text list.

Convert JSON to Form Data

Generate HTTP form data from a JSON object.

Convert Form Data to JSON

Generate JSON object from HTTP form data.

Convert JSON to HTML

Create a HTML table from keys and values of a JSON object.

Convert JSON to CSON

Convert a JSON file to a CSON file.

Convert CSON to JSON

Convert a CSON file to a JSON file.

Convert JSON to TOML

Convert a JSON config to a TOML config.

Convert TOML to JSON

Convert a TOML file to a JSON file.

Convert JSON to Bencode

Convert a JSON data structure to Bencode encoding.

Convert Bencode to JSON

Convert Bencode data to JSON data.

Convert JSON to JSONL

Convert a JSON file to a JSONL file.

Convert JSONL to JSON

Convert a JSONL file to a JSON file.

Convert BSON to JSON

Convert binary JSON data structure (BSON) to JSON.

Convert JSON to UBJSON

Convert a JSON file to a universal binary JSON (UBJSON).

Convert UBJSON to JSON

Convert universal binary JSON (UBJSON) to regular JSON.

Convert JSON to Message Pack

Serialize JSON data to binary MessagePack format.

Convert Message Pack to JSON

Unserialize binary MessagePack to a JSON struct.

Convert JSON to Protobuf

Serialize JSON data to binary Protobuf format.

Convert Protobuf to JSON

Unserialize binary Protobuf to a JSON struct.

Convert JSON to a LaTeX Table

Generate a LaTeX table from a JSON object.

Convert JSON to INI

Convert a JSON data file to an INI configuration file.

Convert INI to JSON

Convert an INI configuration file to JSON data file.

Truncate JSON

Loop over JSON structure and truncate all values or keys.

Find JSON Depth

Find the nesting depth of a JSON data structure.

Convert JSON to a Data URI

Convert a JSON data structure to a data URL.

Convert JSON to a PHP Array

Create a PHP data structure from a JSON data structure.

Convert a PHP array to JSON

Create a JSON data structure from a PHP data structure.

Compare Two JSON Files

Diff JSON files and show differences visually.

Sort JSON Object Keys

Lexicographically sort the order of JSON object keys.

Swap JSON Keys with Values

Exchange keys with values in a JSON file.

Create a Random JSON Array

Create a JSON array with random values.

Create a Random JSON Object

Create a JSON object with random keys and values.

Randomize a JSON Array

Randomly change the positions of array elements.

Randomize a JSON Object

Randomly change the order of key, value pairs.

Add Spacing to JSON

Add random spaces and newlines in a JSON file.

Tokenize JSON

Tokenize a JSON data structure.

Remove JSON Syntax

Remove all JSON syntax and leave just the values.

Change JSON Syntax

Change curly braces, commas, and quotes to other symbols.

Fix Quotes in JSON

Fix incorrectly quoted (usually single quote) keys and values.

Use Single Quotes in JSON

Make all keys and values in a JSON to be single-quoted.

Use Double Quotes in JSON

Make all keys and values in a JSON to be double-quoted.

Generate FakeSON

Create JSON that looks real but is fake (FakeSON).

Run jq

Execute a jq query on a JSON data structure.

Filter JSON

Filter keys and values that match a pattern.

Split a String into a JSON Array

Create a JSON array from a string.

Group a JSON Array

Create groups of JSON array items.

Merge JSON Arrays

Merge two or more JSON arrays together.

Compare JSON Arrays

Find differences in two or more JSON arrays.

Merge JSON Objects

Merge two or more JSON objects together.

Damage JSON

Introduce errors in a JSON data structure.


Try to fix a damaged JSON to the best of our ability.

Create JSON Art

Convert images to valid JSON strings that look like ASCII art.

Visualize a JSON Structure

Create an abstract visualization of JSON's complexity.


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Created with love by

We're Browserling — a friendly and fun cross-browser testing company powered by alien technology. At Browserling, our mission is to make people's lives easier, so we created this collection of JSON tools. Our tools have the simplest user interface that doesn't require advanced computer skills and they are used by millions of people every month. Behind the scenes, all JSON tools are actually powered by our web developer tools that we created over the last couple of years. Check them out!


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