Quickly check if one or more numbers are palindromes in your browser. To perform the check, just enter your numbers in the input field, select the method to use for checking if the number is a palindrome in the options below, and this utility will display the status of your numbers. Created by developers from team Browserling.
Quickly check if one or more numbers are palindromes in your browser. To perform the check, just enter your numbers in the input field, select the method to use for checking if the number is a palindrome in the options below, and this utility will display the status of your numbers. Created by developers from team Browserling.
This is an online browser-based utility for checking if the given numbers are palindromes. A number is called a palindrome if you get the same numeric value by writing it in reverse order. To check multiple numbers, each one must be listed on a new line. You can perform the palindrome check in three ways. The first one displays palindrome status for all numbers you specify. The second one picks only palindromes from the given number list. The third one makes the opposite – select only non-palindromes from the list. We also have a separate category of options for checking fractional palindromes. In particular, you can test only the integer part of a number (reject the decimal part), check the integer and decimal part as a whole (ignore the decimal point) or test the number symmetrically, taking into account the position of the decimal point. That's numberwang!
This is an online browser-based utility for checking if the given numbers are palindromes. A number is called a palindrome if you get the same numeric value by writing it in reverse order. To check multiple numbers, each one must be listed on a new line. You can perform the palindrome check in three ways. The first one displays palindrome status for all numbers you specify. The second one picks only palindromes from the given number list. The third one makes the opposite – select only non-palindromes from the list. We also have a separate category of options for checking fractional palindromes. In particular, you can test only the integer part of a number (reject the decimal part), check the integer and decimal part as a whole (ignore the decimal point) or test the number symmetrically, taking into account the position of the decimal point. That's numberwang!
In this example, we simultaneously check whether six numbers are palindromes or not. Among them, we have positive and negative, and decimal fractions. The "-" sign, as well as commas, used to group digits in large numbers doesn't affect the status of the number. For fractions, we've selected the "Drop Decimal Part" option, so only the integer part of the number gets tested.
In this example, we pick only palindromes from the list. The first four numbers have the same digits, but they only differ in the position of the decimal point. We've choosen the option that merges the decimal and integer part. Therefore, these four numbers become the same value "12321", which is a palindrome. The last large number is also a palindrome but the other numbers aren't.
In this example, both numbers are created from just two digits – "6" and "0". It looks like they both could be palindromes but because we've selected the option that takes into account the position of the decimal point, only one of them is considered a palindrome. The number "6000.0006" is symmetrical with respect to the decimal point but the number "60.000006" is not. In the output, we display only the second number, as it's not a palindrome, based on the selected options.
You can pass input to this tool via ?input query argument and it will automatically compute output. Here's how to type it in your browser's address bar. Click to try!
Create a list of numberwang numbers.
Create a list of neat looking numbers.
Visualize a number by drawing its digits as a color gradient.
Create a matrix of numbers with rows and cols having same sum.
Given numbers and a grammar, recursively rewrite them.
Create a number from the mantissa, base, and exponent.
Show how a fp number is represented in a computer.
Convert a number to the a×10<sup>b</sup> form.
Convert a number in scientific notation to a regular number.
Create a list of unary numbers (1, 11, 111, 1111, …).
Create a list of alphabetic numbers (a, b, c, …, z, aa, ab, …).
Create a list of Roman numbers (i, ii, iii, iv, v…).
Create a list of Braille numbers (⠂, ⠆, ⠒, ⠲, ⠢, …).
Create a list of random binary numbers.
Create a list of random octal numbers.
Create a list of random decimal numbers.
Create a list of random hexadecimal numbers.
Calculate a cumulative sum of a list of numbers.
Calculate a cumulative difference of a list of numbers.
Calculate a cumulative product of a list of numbers.
Divide two numbers and find their quotient.
Divide the digits of the given number.
Find the factorial of a number.
Find the average of multiple numbers.
Find the mean of multiple numbers.
Find the mode of multiple numbers.
Create one or more anagrams of a number.
Create a list of digit bigrams from a number.
Create a list of digit trigrams from a number.
Create a list of digit ngrams from a number.
Create a list of polynomial progression numbers.
Create a list of metric prefixes.
Report how many digits appear how many times.
Convert a cardinal number to an ordinal number.
Convert an ordinal number to a cardinal number.
Convert Arabic numerals to Roman numerals.
Convert Roman Numerals to Arabic numerals.
Calculate a series of extended Fibonacci numbers.
Find numbers that are both Fibonacci numbers and primes.
Check if a number is a Fibonacci number.
Check if a number is both a Fibonacci number and a prime.
Create a sequence of Fibonacci words.
Create a sequence of Tribonacci words.
Create a sequence of Tetranacci words.
Create a sequence of Pentanacci words.
Calculate a series of extended Lucas numbers.
Calculate a series of extended Lucas numbers.
Check if a number is both a Lucas number and a prime.
Calculate a sequence of Moser-Bruijn numbers.
Calculate a sequence of Oldenburger-Kolakoski numbers.
Calculate a sequence of Stanley numbers.
Calculate a sequence of self-describing Gijswijt numbers.
Calculate a sequence of Rusin-Shapiro numbers.
Calculate a sequence of Baum-Sweet numbers.
Calculate members of Thue-Morse number series.
Create a list of perfect numbers.
Create a list of almost perfect numbers.
Calculate a sequence of abundant numbers.
Calculate a sequence of deficient numbers.
Generate a list of paperfolding sequence numbers.
Create a list of numbers that are not prime.
Generate an LCD display that shows the given number.
Generate a table of numbers.
Check if the given number is a perfect number.
Check if the given number is an abundant number.
Check if the given number is a deficient number.
Find the modulus of a number.
Group together digits of a number.
Create a list of digits from a number.
Apply sprintf or printf function to numbers.
Let Zalgo destroy your numbers.
Repeat a number multiple times.
Create a mirror copy of a number.
Add zeros to a number.
Add a padding of custom symbols to a number.
Reverse the order of digits of a number.
Cyclically rotate digits of a number to the left or right.
Add one to the given number.
Add one to every digit in a number.
Subtract one from the given number.
Subtract one from every digit in a number.
Discover patterns in sequences of numbers.
Find how often numeric values occur.
Find x% of a number.
Create numbers of arbitrary length and properties.
Print the Googol/Google number, which is 10<sup>100</sup>.
Print the biggest number in the world.
Create a list of big numbers.
Print the smallest number in the world.
Create a list of small numbers.
Create a list of natural numbers.
Create a list of rational numbers.
Create a series of numbers where all terms are the same.
Create a sequence of real numbers.
Create a list of complex numbers.
Create a sequence of binary numbers.
Create a sequence of number pairs.
Create a sequence of number triples.
Create a sequence of number n-tuples.
Create a number with not that many digits.
Create a number with many digits.
Interweave two or more number digit-by-digit.
Rewrite a number in the decimal representation.
Convert a fraction to a decimal number.
Convert a decimal number to a fraction.
Convert a base two number to base eight number.
Convert a base two number to base ten number.
Convert a base two number to base sixteen number.
Convert a base eight number to base two number.
Convert a base eight number to base ten number.
Convert a base eight number to base sixteen number.
Convert a base ten number to base two number.
Convert a base ten number to base eight number.
Convert a base ten number to base sixteen number.
Convert a base sixteen number to base two number.
Convert a base sixteen number to base eight number.
Convert a base sixteen number to base ten number.
Convert any number in any base to any other base.
Change the significand of a number.
Change the power of a number.
Replace digits in a number with alphabet letters.
Form a spiral from the digits of a number.
Form a circle from the digits of a number.
Form a tree from the given numbers.
Form a tree from the digits of a number.
Remove the decimal separator from a decimal number.
Modify numbers so they are almost the same but have errors.
Generate various number typos.
Write numbers in a different font.
Write numbers in a bold font.
Write numbers with an underline below them.
Write numbers with a strikethrough on them.
Write numbers in a superscript font.
Write numbers in a subscript font.
Change digits in a number to Unicode look-alikes.
Change the given numbers a little bit.
Change the digits of the given numbers a little bit.
Calculate the complexity (entropy) of a number.
Test if the given number is numberwang.
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We're Browserling — a friendly and fun cross-browser testing company powered by alien technology. At Browserling we love to make peoples' lives easier, so we created this collection of number crunching tools. Our tools have the simplest user interface that doesn't require advanced computer skills and they are used by millions of people every month. Our number tools are actually powered by our web developer tools that we created over the last couple of years. Check them out!