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Almost Perfect Number Generator

World's Simplest Math Tool

Free online browser-based utility that generates almost perfect numbers sequence. Just specify how many almost perfect numbers you need and you'll automatically get that many values. There are no ads, popups or nonsense, just an awesome slightly defective numbers calculator. Press a button – get almost perfect numbers. Created by math nerds from team Browserling.

Almost Perfect Number Generator

World's Simplest Math Tool

Free online browser-based utility that generates almost perfect numbers sequence. Just specify how many almost perfect numbers you need and you'll automatically get that many values. There are no ads, popups or nonsense, just an awesome slightly defective numbers calculator. Press a button – get almost perfect numbers. Created by math nerds from team Browserling.

᠎᠎᠎          Tool Options

Almost Perfect Sequence Options

Initial value of the almost perfect numbers sequence.
How many almost perfect numbers to generate?
Delimiter for the almost perfect numbers sequence. (Newline by default.)

What Is an Almost Perfect Number Generator?

This tool generates almost perfect numbers. They are also known as slightly defective numbers and least deficient numbers. A positive number n is called almost perfect if the sum of its proper divisors (excluding the number itself) is equal to n-1. At the moment all known slightly defective numbers are in the form of 2^n (all powers of two). As 2^n grows exponentially, this sequence quickly tends to infinity. In this tool, you can quickly generate and find arbitrary large values of this sequence. You can also enter the initial value, and generate a sequence starting from this number. For you convenience, we've also added a delimiter option that lets you separate all least deficient numbers by character of your choice. Mathabulous!

What Is an Almost Perfect Number Generator?

This tool generates almost perfect numbers. They are also known as slightly defective numbers and least deficient numbers. A positive number n is called almost perfect if the sum of its proper divisors (excluding the number itself) is equal to n-1. At the moment all known slightly defective numbers are in the form of 2^n (all powers of two). As 2^n grows exponentially, this sequence quickly tends to infinity. In this tool, you can quickly generate and find arbitrary large values of this sequence. You can also enter the initial value, and generate a sequence starting from this number. For you convenience, we've also added a delimiter option that lets you separate all least deficient numbers by character of your choice. Mathabulous!

Almost Perfect Number Generator Examples

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First 20 Almost Perfect Numbers

This example generates the first 20 elements of the sequence of almost perfect numbers and separates them with a comma. As you can see, each value is in form 2^n. (1 = 2^0, 2 = 2^1, 4 = 2^2, 8 = 2^3, ...)

1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536, 131072, 262144, 524288
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
Initial value of the almost perfect numbers sequence.
How many almost perfect numbers to generate?
Delimiter for the almost perfect numbers sequence. (Newline by default.)
click me

Rapid Growth of the Least Deficient Numbers Sequence

In this example we set the initial value to 1000, and generate 100 following elements of the sequence. This example very well demonstrates the exponential growth of the least deficient numbers sequence. As you can see, the first value's length is only four as it has four digits (1024), and the last one contains as many as 33 digits (649037107316853453566312041152512). Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536 131072 262144 524288 1048576 2097152 4194304 8388608 16777216 33554432 67108864 134217728 268435456 536870912 1073741824 2147483648 4294967296 8589934592 17179869184 34359738368 68719476736 137438953472 274877906944 549755813888 1099511627776 2199023255552 4398046511104 8796093022208 17592186044416 35184372088832 70368744177664 140737488355328 281474976710656 562949953421312 1125899906842624 2251799813685248 4503599627370496 9007199254740992 18014398509481984 36028797018963968 72057594037927936 144115188075855872 288230376151711744 576460752303423488 1152921504606846976 2305843009213693952 4611686018427387904 9223372036854775808 18446744073709551616 36893488147419103232 73786976294838206464 147573952589676412928 295147905179352825856 590295810358705651712 1180591620717411303424 2361183241434822606848 4722366482869645213696 9444732965739290427392 18889465931478580854784 37778931862957161709568 75557863725914323419136 151115727451828646838272 302231454903657293676544 604462909807314587353088 1208925819614629174706176 2417851639229258349412352 4835703278458516698824704 9671406556917033397649408 19342813113834066795298816 38685626227668133590597632 77371252455336267181195264 154742504910672534362390528 309485009821345068724781056 618970019642690137449562112 1237940039285380274899124224 2475880078570760549798248448 4951760157141521099596496896 9903520314283042199192993792 19807040628566084398385987584 39614081257132168796771975168 79228162514264337593543950336 158456325028528675187087900672 316912650057057350374175801344 633825300114114700748351602688 1267650600228229401496703205376 2535301200456458802993406410752 5070602400912917605986812821504 10141204801825835211973625643008 20282409603651670423947251286016 40564819207303340847894502572032 81129638414606681695789005144064 162259276829213363391578010288128 324518553658426726783156020576256 649037107316853453566312041152512
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
Initial value of the almost perfect numbers sequence.
How many almost perfect numbers to generate?
Delimiter for the almost perfect numbers sequence. (Newline by default.)

Pro tips Master online math tools

You can pass options to this tool using their codes as query arguments and it will automatically compute output. To get the code of an option, just hover over its icon. Here's how to type it in your browser's address bar. Click to try!


All Math Tools

Didn't find the tool you were looking for? Let us know what tool we are missing and we'll build it!
Quickly visualize rules of an Lindenmayer rewrite system.
Quickly generate a list of primes.
Quickly generate a list of Fibonacci numbers.
Quickly generate a list of extended, negative Fibonacci numbers.
Quickly generate a list of Fibonacci primes.
Quickly generate a list of Fibonacci words.
Quickly generate a list of Tribonacci words.
Quickly generate a list of Lucas numbers.
Quickly generate a list of extended, negative Lucas numbers.
Quickly generate a list of Lucas numbers that are also prime numbers.
Quickly create a list of excessive numbers.
Quickly create a list of deficient numbers.
Quickly generate a list of perfect numbers.
Quickly create a list of slightly defective numbers.
Quickly generate random numbers.
Quickly generate a list of look-and-say sequence numbers.
Quickly create a list of Prouhet-Thue-Morse sequence values.
Quickly create a list of dragon curve sequence values.
Quickly create a list of Oldenburger-Kolakoski sequence values.
Quickly create a list of Gijswijt sequence values.
Quickly create a list of Golay-Rudin-Shapiro sequence values.
Quickly create a list of Baum-Sweet sequence values.
Quickly create a list of Moser-de Bruijn sequence values.
Quickly generate a list of even numbers.
Quickly generate a list of odd numbers.
Quickly find all factors of the given integer.
Quickly decompose integers into their prime factors.
Quickly find out if the given integer is a prime number.
Quickly check if the given number is a Fibonacci number
Quickly generate π constant's digits to arbitrary precision.
Quickly calculate Euler constant's digits to arbitrary precision.
Quickly calculate φ constant's digits to arbitrary precision.
Quickly calculate factorials.
Quickly create a triangluar array of binomial coefficients.
Quickly create a matrix with random elements.
Quickly create a unit matrix with ones along the diagonal.
Quickly find the transpose of a matrix.
Quickly find the inverse of a matrix.
Quickly calculate the determinant of a matrix.
Quickly find the sum of two or more matrices.
Find the difference of two or more matrices.
Quickly find the product of matrices.
Quickly draw a Hilbert space-filling curve.
Quickly draw a Heighway triangle fractal.
Quickly draw a Harter-Heighway space-filling dragon fractal.
Quickly draw a Davis-Knuth dragon fractal.
Quickly draw a triple dragon fractal.
Quickly draw a quaddragon fractal.
Quickly draw a hexdragon curve.
Quickly draw a Peano space-filling fractal.
Quickly draw a Moore space-filling curve.
Quickly draw a Peano-Gosper space-filling curve.
Quickly draw a Sierpinski arrowhead fractal curve.
Quickly draw a Sierpinski sieve fractal.
Quickly draw a Sierpinski closed plane fractal curve.
Quickly draw a Sierpinski carpet fractal.
Quickly draw a Sierpinski maze fractal.
Quickly draw a Sierpinski square fractal.
Quickly draw a Sierpinski pentaflake fractal.
Quickly draw a Sierpinski hexaflake fractal.
Quickly draw a Sierpinski n-gon fractal.
Quickly draw a Koch island fractal curve.
Quickly draw a Koch antisnowflake fractal.
Quickly draw a Koch triangle fractal.
Quickly draw a Koch n-gon fractal.
Quickly draw a quadratic Koch flake fractal.
Quickly draw a Cesaro fractal.
Quickly draw a Cesaro n-gon fractal.
Quickly draw a triflake fractal.
Quickly draw a quadric cross fractal.
Quickly draw a self-similar Levy C fractal curve.
Quickly draw a Vicsek snowflake fractal.
Quickly draw a T-square fractal.
Quickly draw a Cantor set fractal.
Quickly draw an asymmetric Cantor set fractal.
Quickly draw a generalized Cantor set fractal.
Quickly draw an ε-Cantor set fractal.
Quickly draw a Cantor dust fractal.
Quickly draw a Pythagoras tree fractal.
Quickly draw a Fibonacci word fractal.
Quickly draw an H-tree fractal.
Quickly draw a V-tree fractal.
Quickly generate a Morton Z-order fractal curve.

Coming Soon

These math tools are on the way!
Clock-walk Digits

Walk a number digit-by-digit following the clock hour hand.

Plot a Function

Draw graphs of mathematical functions.

Draw a LaTeX Formula

Create an image from a LaTeX expression.

Find n-th e Digit

Calculate the n-th digit of Euler's number.

Find n-th Golden Ratio Digit

Calculate the n-th digit of Golden Ratio.

Find n-th Pi Digit

Calculate the n-th digit of pi constant.

Calculate e Digit Sum

Find the sum of e digits.

Calculate Golden Ratio Digit Sum

Find the sum of Golden Ratio digits.

Calculate Pi Digit Sum

Find the sum of pi digits.

Generate Champernowne Digits

Generate Champernowne constant's digits.

Generate Supergolden Ratio Digits

Generate supergolden ratio constant's digits.

Find n-th Champernowne Digit

Calculate the n-th digit of Champernowne constant.

Decode a Look-and-say Sequence

Perform the inverse operation on a look-and-say sequence.

Generate P-adic Expansions

Calculate p-adic expansions of arbitrary numbers.

Generate Pandigital Number Sequence

Create a list of pandigital numbers.

Generate Stanley Number Sequence

Create a list of Stanley numbers.

Generate Bell Number Sequence

Create a list of Bell numbers.

Generate Carmichael Number Sequence

Create a list of Charmichel numbers.

Generate Catalan Number Sequence

Create a list of Catalan numbers.

Generate Triangular Number Sequence

Create a list of triangle numbers.

Generate Composite Number Sequence

Create a list of composite numbers.

Generate Secant Number Sequence

Create a list of secant numbers.

Generate Golomb Number Sequence

Create a list of Golomb-Silverman numbers.

Generate Euler's Totient Number Sequence

Create a list of Euler's phi numbers.

Generate Juggler Number Sequence

Create a list of juggler numbers.

Generate Lucky Number Sequence

Create a list of lucky numbers.

Generate Motzkin Number Sequence

Create a list of motzkin numbers.

Generate Padovan Number Sequence

Create a list of Padovan numbers.

Generate Narayana's Cow Sequence

Create a list of Narayana's cow numbers.

Generate Pseudoperfect Number Sequence

Create a list of semiperfect numbers.

Generate Ulam Number Sequence

Create a list of Ulam numbers.

Generate Weird Number Sequence

Create a list of weird numbers.

Generate Superperfect Number Sequence

Create a list of superperfect numbers.

Continue a Number Sequence

Find a pattern in a number sequence and extend it.

Partition a Number

Find all partitions of the given integer.

Generate Tribonacci Numbers

Create a list of Tribonacci numbers.

Generate Tetranacci Numbers

Create a list of Tetranacci numbers.

Generate Pentanacci Numbers

Create a list of Pentanacci numbers.

Generate n-nacci Numbers

Create a list of higher order Fibonacci numbers.

Generate Partition Number Sequence

Create a list of Partition function numbers.

Generate Arithmetic Progression

Create an arithmetic sequence of numbers.

Generate Geometric Progression

Create a geometric sequence of numbers.

Generate Polynomial Progression

Create a polynomial sequence of numbers.

Generate Natural Number Sequence

Create a list of natural numbers.

Generate Powers of Two

Create a list of numbers of powers of two.

Generate Powers of Ten

Create a list of numbers of powers of ten.

Sort a Matrix

Sort matrix rows or columns.

Clamp a Matrix

Set an allowed range for all matrix values.

Randomize a Matrix

Shuffle all elements of a matrix.

Delete Matrix Rows

Delete one or more rows of the given matrix.

Delete Matrix Columns

Delete one or more columns of the given matrix.

Replace Matrix Elements

Replace certain matrix elements with other values.

Set Matrix Determinant

Create a matrix with the given determinant.

Create a Rotation Matrix

Create a rotation matrix from the given angle.

Decode a Rotation Matrix

Find the angle from the given rotation matrix.

Generate a Custom Matrix

Generate a matrix with specific properties and elements.

Generate a Dense Matrix

Generate a matrix with very few zero elements.

Generate a Sparse Matrix

Generate a matrix with very few non-zero elements.

Generate a Singular Matrix

Generate a degenerate matrix with a zero determinant.

Generate a Zeros Matrix

Generate a matrix with all 0's as elements.

Generate a Ones Matrix

Generate a matrix with all 0's as elements.

Generate a Binary Matrix

Generate a matrix with 0's and 1's as elements.

Generate a Square Matrix

Generate a matrix with n rows and n columns (n×n matrix).

Generate a Symmetric Matrix

Generate a matrix with symmetric elements along the diagonal.

Generate a Triangular Matrix

Generate an upper-triangular or lower-triangular matrix.

Generate a Diagonal Matrix

Generate a matrix with elements placed only on the diagonal.

Generate an Orthogonal Matrix

Generate a matrix with orthogonal rows and columns.

Multiply a Matrix by a Scalar

Multiply all matrix elements by a number.

Multiply a Matrix by a Vector

Multiply a matrix by a column vector.

Multiply a Vector by a Matrix

Multiply a row vector by a matrix.

Split a Matrix into Vectors

Create m or n vectors from an m×n matrix (from rows or cols).

Check If a Matrix Is Singular

Determine if a matrix is degenerate.

Find Matrix Dimensions

Find the number of rows and columns of a matrix.

Find the Co-factor Matrix

Given a matrix, find its cofactor matrix.

Find the Adjugate Matrix

Given a matrix, find its adjunct.

LU Factor a Matrix

Decompose a matrix into LU factors.

Find Matrix Eigenvalues

Find the eigenvalues of a matrix.

Find Matrix Trace

Find the sum of main diagonal elements of a matrix.

Find Matrix Diagonal Sum

Find the sum of all diagonals or antidiagonals of a matrix.

Find Matrix Row Sum

Find the sum of each row of a matrix.

Find Matrix Column Sum

Find the sum of each column of a matrix.

Find Matrix Element Sum

Find the sum of all matrix elements.

Find Matrix Element Product

Find the product of all matrix elements.

Prettify a Matrix

Beautify a matrix by neatly aligning all its columns.

Reformat a Matrix

Convert a matrix in one format to another format.

Visualize a Vector

Draw a 2d or 3d vector to show its magnitude and angle.

Sort a Vector

Sort vector components.

Clamp a Vector

Set the allowed range for all vector components.

Randomize a Vector

Randomize the order of vector components.

Truncate a Vector

Delete vector components.

Replace Vector Components

Replace certain vector components with other values.

Prettify a Vector

Beautify a vector and neatly align all its components.

Reformat a Vector

Convert a vector in one format to another format.

Transpose a Vector

Convert a row-vector to column-vector.

Duplicate a Vector

Create multiple copies of the same vector.

Increment a Vector

Increment vector components.

Decrement a Vector

Increment vector components.

Rotate a Vector

Rotate a vector by any angle.

Scale a Vector

Shrink or enlarge a vector by a constant factor.

Calculate Vector Angle

Find the angle that's formed between two vectors.

Set Vector Angle

Create pairs of vectors with a specific angle.

Normalize a Vector

Create a unit vector of length one from any given vector.

Generate a Random Vector

Create one or more random vectors of any length.

Generate a Custom Vector

Create custom vectors with specific components.

Generate a Dense Vector

Create a vector with very few zero components.

Generate a Sparse Vector

Create a vector with many zero components.

Generate a Null Vector

Create a vector all components equal to zero.

Generate a Ones Vector

Create a vector all components equal to one.

Generate a Unit Vector

Create one or more random vectors of length one.

Generate Opposite Vectors

Create pairs of antiparallel vectors.

Generate Parallel Vectors

Create pairs of parallel vectors.

Generate Perpendicular Vectors

Create pairs of perpendicular vectors.

Generate Orthogonal Vectors

Create pairs of orthogonal vectors.

Generate Orthonormal Vectors

Create pairs of perpendicular unit vectors of length one.

Find Vector Norm

Calculate L₁, L₂, L₃, L₄, L₅, and other vector norms.

Find Vector Length

Calculate the length of a vector.

Set Vector Length

Create vectors with a specific length.

Find Vector Dot Product

Calculate the scalar product of two vectors.

Set Vector Dot Product

Find two vectors with a specific scalar product value.

Find Vector Cross Product

Calculate the cross product of two vectors.

Set Vector Cross Product

Find two vectors with a specific cross product value.

Find Scalar Triple Product

Calculate the mixed product of three vectors.

Find Vector Triple Product

Calculate the vector triple product (back of the cab).

Find Scalar Quadruple Product

Calculate the scalar quadruple product of four vectors.

Find Vector Quadruple Product

Calculate the vector product of four vectors.

Mix Vectors

Mix the components of multiple vectors.

Join Vectors

Concatenate two or more vectors.

Add Vectors

Find the sum of two or more vectors.

Multiply Vectors

Multiply two or more vectors.

Multiply Vector by Constant

Multiply all vector components by a scalar value.

Find Vector Component Sum

Find the sum of all vector components.

Find Vector Component Product

Find the product of all vector components.

Find Vector Dimensions

Find the number of components in a vector.

Calculate Sine

Calculate the sine of an angle.

Visualize Sine

Draw the sine function.

Calculate Arcsine

Calculate the arcsine of an angle.

Visualize Arcsine

Draw the arcsine function.

Calculate Cosine

Calculate the cosine of an angle.

Visualize Cosine

Draw the cosine function.

Calculate Arccosine

Calculate the arccosine of an angle.

Visualize Arccosine

Draw the arccosine function.

Calculate Tangent

Calculate the tangent of an angle.

Visualize Tangent

Draw the tangent function.

Calculate Cotangent

Calculate the cotangent of an angle.

Visualize Cotangent

Draw the cotangent function.

Calculate Cosecant

Calculate the cosecant of an angle.

Visualize Cosecant

Draw the cosecant function.

Calculate Secant

Calculate the secant of an angle.

Visualize Secant

Draw the secant function.

Draw All Trigonometric Functions

Visualize all trigonometric functions at once.

Draw an Archimedean Spiral

Generate an Archimedean spiral curve.

Draw an Euler Spiral

Generate a Cornu spiral curve (polynomial spiral).

Draw a Fibonacci Spiral

Generate a Fibonacci spiral curve.

Draw a Theodorus Spiral

Generate a square root spiral.

Draw a Fermat Spiral

Generate a parabolic spiral curve.

Draw Fibonacci Rectangles

Generate a drawing of Fibonacci rectangles.

Draw a Fibonacci Seed Head

Generate a Fibonacci flower head.

Draw a Padovan Fractal

Generate a Padovan equiliteral triangles fractal.

Draw a Apollonian Gasket

Generate an Apollonian gasket fractal.

Draw a Mandelbrot Fractal

Generate a Mandelbrot fractal.

Draw a Julia Fractal

Generate a Julia fractal.

Draw a Rauzy Fractal

Generate a Rauzy fractal.

Draw Blancmange Fractal Curve

Generate a Blancmange fractal.

Draw Weierstrass Function

Generate a Weierstrass fractal.

Draw Minkowski Question-mark Curve

Generate a Minkowski Question-mark fractal.

Draw Thomae's Function

Generate a Thomae's function (also known as popcorn or raindrop function).

Draw Dirichlet's Function

Generate a Dirichlet's function.

Draw a Gabriel's Horn

Draw a geometric figure with infinite surface area and finite volume.

Convert Words to Numbers

Convert numbers as English text to actual digits.

Convert Numbers to Words

Convert numbers to written English text.

Convert Decimal Notation to Scientific Notation

Convert numbers written in decimal form to scientific form.

Convert Scientific Notation to Decimal Notation

Convert numbers written in scientific form to decimal form.

Round Numbers Up

Apply ceil operation to numbers.

Round Numbers Down

Apply floor operation to numbers.

Analyze Numbers

Count how many times each number appears.

Rewrite a Number as a Sum

Create a sum that adds up to the given number.

Rewrite a Number as a Product

Create a product that multiplies up to the given number.

Generate a Multiplication Table

Draw an n×m multiplication table.

Generate an Addition Table

Draw an n×m addition table.

Generate a Division Table

Draw an n×m division table.

Generate a Modular Arithmetic Table

Draw an n×m modular arithmetic table for any modulus.

Draw a Pie Chart

Draw a pie chart and show relative sizes of data.

Draw a Bar Chart

Draw a bar chart and visualize data.

Draw a Column Chart

Draw a column chart and visualize data.

Draw a Line Chart

Draw a line chart and visualize data.

Draw an Area Chart

Draw an area chart and visualize data.

Visualize Percentage

Draw a chart that shows percentage.

Tile a Plane

Fill a plane by convex regular polygons.

Flip a Coin

Toss a coin and get head or tails.

Roll a Dice

Throw a dice and get a number on its side.

Generate a Maze

Draw a maze of any size and complexity.


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We're Browserling — a friendly and fun cross-browser testing company powered by alien technology. At Browserling we love to make people's lives easier, so we created this collection of math tools. Unlike many other math tools that require advanced math knowledge, we made our tools as simple as possible. All tools have the same user interface and they are enjoyed by millions of users every month. Our math tools are actually powered by our web developer tools that we created over the last couple of years. Check them out!


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